
Video Tutorial
Ready to get going on your business idea? need to pull a business plan together? Or ready to take your business to the next level? Te Pepa Pakihi will help you make sense of it all.
Download your free copy of Te Pepa Pakihi, and follow the video tutorials below to help you fill it out at your own pace.
The trick to get te Pepa Pakihi working for you is to simplify your thinking. Use Post It notes so you can move things around, and aim to have only 1 or 2 notes per section.
Go hard!

Find out what Te Pepa Pakihi is and how you can use this resource to effectively plan your business!

IYKYK… All successful businesses have identified who their ideal customer is. Knowing this separates the good from the great.

Decide how it’s going to be between you and your customers. Short and sweet or deep and meaningful?

Every fisherman knows ‘a spot’. It can be the difference between coming home empty handed or with enough to feed the whānau down the road. Knowing where to find your customer is exactly the same

Sell me this pen.. Can you identify and articulate the value of your offering to your customer? It’s never about what you value but what they value.

Now the real mahi starts, what do you have to do to get started?

What kind of resource will you need to get things off the ground?

It takes a village to raise a business.

Figure out all the costs associated with your business.